The following spiritual guidance and blog essay of Dr. Ai are inspired by spiritual guides.
"Even every day things are this much mysterious. Therefore, if you want to achieve big goals, all you can do is to pray for God sincerely. Because, when you achieve big goals, God will arrange things divinely twice as big as the goals. (Dr. Ai)."
Dr. Ai's blog essay, "Women's Leadership and Spiritual Guidance 3"
"If you want to help others, pray for God first. Because, in order to show your inner power, you have to have a firm goal inside yourself. Through your prayer, the goal will reach God. Then God will entrust future to you. (Dr. Ai)."
Dr. Ai's blog essay, "Women's Leadership and Past Life Therapy 1"
"Without forgiveness, you cannot take leadership. Therefore, God will come talk to those who need to learn forgiveness. (Dr. Ai)
"In order to change everyday habits, you need power of God. Because, things which are already set in everyday life become a part of our life. So, it is hard to change them only by human power. (Dr. Ai)"
"You cannot take leadership without forgiveness. Because, with forgiveness, you can forgive others' mistakes. Without forgiveness, the more you do big things, the more you could not forgive everything.
"As long as you live your mission in life, there is peace in you." (Dr. Ai)
"Our individual power is never small. It has potential to change this world to better. When you feel discouraged, please do remind yourself of this phrase." (From Dr. Ai's blog essay, "Peace of Mind.")
Dr. Ai's blog essay, "Peace of Mind 5 (5 posts in total.)
"Right things may not be always delivered to the world rightly. But, if you do not right things, people would not trust you. Therefore, when you do right things, pray for God. And pray for God that the right things will be delivered to God, even when humans do not see them. Then you will be protected." (Dr. Ai)
"There are many people who need forgiveness. However, those who need the most are people who deliver love and sincerity for others." (Dr. Ai)
"If there is no forgiveness in you, a person's heart you want to help could not be recovered. Because, forgiveness is necessary to change your human love to sincerity." (Dr. Ai)
"There are miracles in forgiveness." (Dr. Ai)
"Forgiveness in spiritual level is not only precious but also is a tool for people who want to deliver love for others in helping their bright future. The forgiveness in spiritual level could protect those people who provide support in case they are attacked due to helping others." (Dr. Ai)
"If you want to take leadership, pray for God. Because, there is no one like God who could guide you as a leader." (Dr. Ai)
"If you want to help others, pray for God. Because, in fullness of time, your prayer will come true by God." (Dr. Ai)